Thursday, October 17, 2019

How has social Merida use as a marketing and distribution tool changed Dissertation

How has social Merida use as a marketing and distribution tool changed the way we consume audio visual media, and what effect ha - Dissertation Example Moreover, the aim of the study which has been achieved was to understand social media as a marketing and distribution tool. Using an interview question based on 11 questions, 8 respondents from UK, the study found that social media has brought a major influence on each of the music industry players, artists, distributors and audiences. Some of the respondents including artists and listeners described about social media positive influence, while the others like distributors claimed that social media has negatively affected them. The study concludes that that social media has become one prominent element in the music industry and it’s affects on participants of the industry are quite prominent. Affects like artist promotion and free access download for listeners are quite prevalent through social media on music industry. Table of Contents Acknowledgement 2 Abstract 3 Chapter 1: Introduction 6 Chapter 2: Literature Review 11 Chapter 3: Research Methodology 23 Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion 29 Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations 41 List of References 44 Appendix A: Interview Guideline 46 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. ... The research done by Kaplan & Haenlein (2010) illustrates that the older forms of media were not communication but in fact were information channels, where one would deliver and the rest would simply listen. What social media has done is that it has initiated two sided communication, where the listener can be the speaker or deliverer at the same time. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define that â€Å"Social media is a group of internet based applications that builds on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and it allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content†. The term Web 2.0 refers to websites with which users can connect to the World Wide Web, and the content available on the website is not restricted to a single source or person (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Social media has not only changed the way people used to interact or share their feelings and experience, but has changed the way people used to perceive, behave and act. Margiotta (2012) under lines the fact that with such easy access to information and other people, it is hard to confine them to a single brand, a single website or a single interest. The time when sellers used to dominate and purchasers used to follow them is way gone. With the power of social media, the table has been turned a whole 180 degree, and brand loyalty is diminished by the emergence of customer interest and satisfaction. Also, it is evident that with greater awareness of products in the market, through word of mouth and blogging on the social media websites, it is now far more difficult to expect users to follow the sellers (Margiotta, 2012). It has been found by several researchers including Elberse (2010), Noteberg

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